Thursday, November 26, 2009


We have a new addition to Team South Africa: Dwight the Baby Cat!
We spent yesterday and the day before yesterday removing a big pile of sticks and compost from a corner of the church property. We would load up a trailer with these big branches and sticks and whatever else was there and then drive thirty minutes out of town to a township called Sweetwater, where we unloaded on a farm [the best part was the drive up - it was gorgeous!]. Anyway, one fateful moment, as Kyle removed a stick from the compost heap...a baby cat revealed herself to us! She is black and white, about four inches long, and basically incredibly cute. I love her!
We have been talking about getting a cat ever since we found out we had mice - so basically since the first week here. However, before yesterday it would have required either a) going to the SPCA and paying for one, or b) catching one of the many strays that hang out in our yard. Neither one of those things ever happened, because we're too cheap for the SPCA - sad, I know - and those strays are not people-friendly. Little Dwight [so named because we all have an obsession with the NBC show "The Office"] is an answer to prayer! Hopefully she doesn't get too big so we don't have to spend too much money on cat food, but hey - who's thinking about that now? We got time :).

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