Sunday, November 15, 2009

church church church

[over there: all the gum we collected on Friday]
Today in church I spent more time watching the drummer than anything else (it doesn’t make me a creeper. I just like the drums).

Don’t get me wrong – I think church is important, and I sort of tried to pay attention…but my favorite thing about praise and worship here is the drumming, and it’s easy to get distracted when the service has very little variation from every other service we go to.

I am feeling a bit drained when it comes to church. We go at least three times a week, which is way more than I ever have in my life. Sunday, of course, means morning worship and (maybe) also the 2:00 youth service. Monday nights we have prayer, and Friday evenings we have youth again. Sometimes there are additional things we attend, like leadership meetings. And sometimes on Sundays (for instance, when we are doing a skit) we go to all three services – 8:00, 10:00, and 2:00.

Even though I can see the good in going to church a lot, reinforcing the community and constantly trying to grow closer to God, it’s easy for me to feel churched-out. When I walk out of the building, sometimes I unconsciously breathe a breath of relief. Sometimes (like right now) I feel blessed to be able to step back and say “Wow, we don’t have to go to church any more today!”

Hopefully as time goes on I will get used to this system of things. On the other hand, the holidays are coming, and we will have some time off for a while…so maybe I’ll just look forward to that instead.

P.S. Also, I spent all morning on Friday peeling (or scraping or forcing or whatever) gum off of the carpet and chairs in the church auditorium. It was sick. But I got to listen to my iPod the whole time, and I liked that.

P.P.S. Today is Mexican Sunday. Anna and I are making Mexican food for dinner! Fiestaaaa!!


  1. Connie - Can't tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. You are a terrific writer and I feel that I am right there with you. Your enthusiasum, and curiousity about all things in your new "place to be" are contagious. Thanks for sharing your experiences with me! Love Judy B.

  2. I feel like such an anti-Raven but, I am ecstatic over the fact that the COLTS beat the Ravens!!!!!! :)-

  3. Judy, thanks so much! I love being able to share this with you all, and I'm glad you like it.
    dad...what are you talking about??

  4. Didn't even read the post, I just love the shirt you are wearing too much!! :P
