Saturday, September 5, 2009

Two Weeks Tomorrow!

Time here has just been absolutely flying by. Two weeks in and only two more left! While it's exciting to think about going to South Africa, I have to admit that I wish we could stay here too. It's been an amazing time so far, and I could see myself enjoying it for a while yet :).
We have learned a little more about what we will be doing in South Africa - namely, attending a camp revival style meeting almost as soon as we get there. On top of that, we will be driving and navigating our way there on our own. I'm looking forward to it!
This week we had a chance to hear some interesting stories. We attending a performance called "Stories from the Streets" from Emmaus Ministries, which is a ministry that helps male prostitutes in a variety of ways. It was interesting and even funny at times, but mostly it was an eye-opening experience. It's easy to put prostitution into a box labeled "Sin" and to not think about the effect it has on those entangled in it, or to ignore the stories that they have. It was good to hear the stories (presented to us by two Emmaus workers, Andy and Al, in song and monologue) and to be challenged to think more deeply about societal issues like prostitution.
We also got to hear from some people who have had cross-cultural experiences, from living a year in Miami to growing up in Istanbul. Hearing about the challenges they have faced was a good way to start to mentally prepare for our experiences, because many things they faced we will surely face too.
As we have gotten more into this experience, it has become more and more apparent that it will not be easy. While I'm looking forward to the challenge, I know we will need prayers and support to help us all deal with each other, as well as those we will work with and serve in South Africa.

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